
Bamboo Never Breaks, But Bends with the Changing Winds of Life

Over the past few years, I have had the incredible opportunity of seeing life begin to blossom before my eyes. I have seen the first glimpse of a smile burst into delight; I have seen a fake cry become a sea of tears; I have seen a lost hand take a tight grip on my finger. These moments were continuously happening all the while having to keep up with the day to day responsibilities of my career, marriage, family, and friends.

I had heard from many that when you welcome a sweet little angel into the world it can be quite hectic, so I decided to wait for the “right” time. After a while, I was still waiting, and then one day someone very dear to me said, “There is never a right time.” These words hit me clear as day, and I realized they were absolutely correct. When is there ever a perfect time for anything?

How grateful I was to be blessed with this beautiful new life. Although it was one of the most, if not the most significant moment of my life, in the back of my mind, I always wondered, “will I be able to balance it all?” For me, it was not a question. I had no choice.

My mission throughout these winds of life is to share East Asian medicine and 8 keys philosophy with as many people as possible. I have been and continue to be so fortunate to have this wisdom and knowledge passed to me. So, there was no option for it to stop.

It has been a few years now, and I can say that in my experience it is possible. There are many moments of re-evaluation, where I must stop to remind myself of my priorities. The fundamental principle that has walked beside me through the start of this journey has been – when to do and when not to do. Now more than ever I realize that the most important thing that I can do is to go with the flow, to follow the Tao.

Dealing With the Winds of Life

This does not mean that I take life by the seat of my pants. As always I have clear goals and timelines, stressors and much responsibility, but instead of letting them take control of my life, I choose to remain in control.  To have power over my reality, I must be open to the fact that life is full of changes and I must be flexible, or something is bound to break with the inevitable turns of life; just as bamboo never breaks, but bends with the changing winds of life.

I have always been keen on checking in with myself throughout my daily routine:

What must I achieve in this day, this hour, this minute?

 Am I making the correct decisions for all involved?

 At the end of today, this week, this month, is whatever I am doing going to make a clear difference to my life and for those around me, or am I wasting time?

 Am I continuing on my life path?

 Am I staying aware of those around me?

These questions may seem like a lot to think about on a consistent basis, but they soon become a habit. These questions are not something you need to continually remind yourself to do (although it is necessary for the beginning), but something that becomes natural to you (like naturally breathing). This is one way to practice “walking” meditation. A way to constantly stay on the correct path, a way to purify and see yourself clearly, while still achieving all of your daily tasks.

Staying on the Right Path

With this practice comes the freedom of feeling OVER-whelmed, OVER-stressed, and OVER-occupied. Winds of life become “easier” to handle, you gain perspective, and your mind won’t overfill with extra clutter.

You will look upon your day before your head hits the pillow and realize that you actually achieved a lot. During the times where it seems that everywhere we turn there is a hardship, having control over our own reality becomes necessary. It is so easy to get caught up in a downward spiral – emotionally, physically & spiritually. One of the most important things to remember is that our life and what occurs in our life starts within yourself.

I was raised with the constant reminder that every opportunity is in front of you. You have the ability.  The means of achieving everything and anything is all around you…in your environment…in nature. It is up to you to grab this opportunity and run with it. There are times when people, or situations, and often even yourself,  try to slow your journey, try to detour you to the wrong path. However, if you remember that everything you need to accomplish your goals is around you, your path will no longer seem dark. You will be able to shine a light along your route so that you can see clearly once again.

Just take it one step at a time and remember you are not alone with these everchanging winds of life, at the very least, I am doing it with you.

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