
Balance Is The Key To Life

Having balance in your life is like driving on the road. There is a set speed limit. However, this does not mean that you drive at only that speed limit regardless of the current situations you face and what is going on around you.  If there is traffic, you are not going to plow through all the cars to maintain the speed limit, at least I hope not. There are moments when you have to speed up and moments when it is necessary to slow down.  It is essential to know when to stop and when to go. This is life.

So often in life situations cannot be planned.  You have a starting point, and a destination and what occurs in between is not always in your control.  So what do we do?

Finding Balance and Understanding Control

In life it is impossible to control or predict all that will occur, however, we do have the ability to control our actions and thoughts.  When we can know ourselves and able to keep ourselves in check, suddenly the twists and turns in life become more bearable, and you gain a sense of peace… a feeling of being steadfast.   When you know yourself, you become solid – rooted. You do not drift in every direction the wind blows, you won’t shake when a difficult obstacle stands before you, and you won’t break when you suddenly lose direction. This is because the most powerful GPS system is inside of you, like a moral compass.  It is so important to remain flexible and to move with the situations that occur in your life.  When you are open and flexible, and life hands you a surprise you can face it head on and quickly look around you to see the best direction to move.  Every human on this earth has this ability, but it is up to us to keep the power on.

Good and Bad

Way before we are born, good and evil existed, and each leads you down the corresponding “road.”  Following the road of good principle, means staying on the good path regardless of what circumstances you are in; it is important to remember that you cannot and should not try to avoid traffic, cut someone off, become distracted while driving…this is a bad principle. If you follow the road and stay on the path of good principle, then you will end up finding balance.  Whether you choose to remain in the good or bad road, the answer is inside of you. If you follow the good path, you will achieve balance, and you will reach the correct destination.

Remember, that life is an ever-changing, ever-moving, ever-transforming existence; therefore, searching for a static point or goal of balance or perfection does not exist.  Finding balance, like the 8 keys, is a constant and dynamic process.

Making the Best Choices for Yourself

So, the next time you come across an unexpected or uncomfortable situation remembers that you are your own guard…you have the ability and the power to determine the correct or incorrect way to go about the situation, the best way to react, and how the situation or person is going to affect you.  If you let yourself become crippled, because it was not “part of your plan,” you will be that much easier to break due to the fact that you have made yourself rigid.  By remaining flexible and open, you are able to see more options and you are better able to choose the correct one.    This is the challenge and the beauty of life.  We may be susceptible to a myriad of things that could happen but we also have the ability to maintain power over ourselves, to plug into the wisdom of the world around us and make the correct decisions in life.

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